Unlock your child's . . .full potential by giving him/her the attention he/she deserves.
In the past 15 years students in elementary grades through college have raised their grades and confidence levels with our classical one-on-one tutoring sessions in math, reading, writing, study skills, phonics, and more. Fear and frustration do not have to be part of your family's daily routine when it comes to school work and academics. We can help. Just pick up the phone today and call 984 640-5990. Or email us at bettergradesnow@inspirlearn.com. The Latest News . . .Online Registration Ready for SPRING 2018Beginning in November 2017 parents/ guardians can register their children online for private tutoring during the Spring 2018 semester.
Online registration will let parents/ guardians to sign their son or daughter up for a tutoring class using the Internet and a home or office computer. Registration documents can be downloaded and filled out to be mailed or scanned for email. Payment options can be made through PayPal. The online registration process should make it easier to register for the upcoming school year. |
Summer Tutoring Sign UpInspired Learning is now registering students for the 2016 Summer semester. If you would like to register your child (children) for our Fall sessions, please press here. |
How Does a Parent Know if Their Child Needs Tutoring?The notion of supplemental education, whether it's to catch up, keep up or get ahead, has been around for a very long time. In fact, it was noted that Socrates tutored Plato and Plato tutored Aristotle. These were all bright philosophers and scholars who learned from someone who knew more. So, how can parents know when a personal instructor is right for their child – before the student loses confidence or gives up?
The following is a list of questions you might want to ask yourself. Is your child: